Tag Archives: l-sit

Welcoming my 34th Year with a Cold

It’s been a week since I turned thirty-four and I’m still not feeling a hundred percent, though I am getting closer to it. Just yesterday I managed to practice L-sits and handstands – this morning I did more handstand practice. Yeah, I’m deviating from the plan. No excuses, just a perfect storm of circumstance and me trying to do way too much as usual. I mean, writing it down allowed me to make some daily structure for me to follow, but it seems I both greatly overestimated my ability to recover and underestimated the effects of the physical training on my body, especially given my 1-year-old’s newfound penchant for suddenly crying out several times after midnight and disrupting my sleep. And of course, after coming down with a terrible cold that had me call in sick, I opted to focus on rest and recovery for a week. Oh well, at least I weigh nearly a kilo less.

Therefore, my solution is just to: simplify, simplify, SIMPLIFY!

In other news, there’s this songwriting camp in November that I plan to join. It’s not as simple as signing up though. Only 60 slots are available, and I’ll be competing with Buddha-knows-how-many other songwriters from all over the country just to get in. It’s a pretty big deal, though – those who pass the final auditions get to stay in this place for about four days, learning from professional songwriters and composers about the craft and business side of songwriting. I’ll put in the link here later, if I remember.


Non-violence. Talking Peace. Everything Aikido.

Nyohō Zen

the look, feel, and stuff of the Dharma

Buddhism in the Philippines

This is a place for anyone to learn about the teachings of the Buddha.

One Continuous Mistake



.......is writing

True Story

Part of me wants to spare you the details. Part of me wants to tell you everything.

Project Light to Life

A bucket list blog: exploring happiness, growth, and the world.

Buddhism now

Welcome to Buddhism Now an online Buddhist magazine, giving advice on how to practise Buddhism