Tag Archives: insights

REBLOG: On: Gratitude… and Death (Part I)

Here’s a blog post by someone whose I only recently started to follow here on WordPress. His meditation on a cup of coffee is strikingly Zen, though I do not know if he identifies himself as Zen or not (and does it matter, really?). It is indeed possible to, to paraphrase William Blake, “see the world in a cup of coffee.”


Non-violence. Talking Peace. Everything Aikido.

Nyohō Zen

the look, feel, and stuff of the Dharma

Buddhism in the Philippines

This is a place for anyone to learn about the teachings of the Buddha.

One Continuous Mistake



.......is writing

True Story

Part of me wants to spare you the details. Part of me wants to tell you everything.

Project Light to Life

A bucket list blog: exploring happiness, growth, and the world.

Buddhism now

Welcome to Buddhism Now an online Buddhist magazine, giving advice on how to practise Buddhism